Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unexpected Blessings

A friend of mine posted on Facebook last week that she was cleaning out some books and asked if anyone would be interested. I jumped on it, and on Sunday she brought me 3 BOXES of books!! As I was going through them my girls kept getting more and more excited especially when we found some American Girl books in the boxes. They LOVE to read them and was so excited to have new ones to read. As I was thinking about a place to put the books I realize I NEED another bookshelf! On Monday I posted on Facebook what I needed and a friend responded she had one still IN the box and would sell it to me for $10! On Tuesday I went and picked it up. Thankfully her son was home to put it in my truck. The girls and I went to the grocery store and I never looked at the box until putting groceries in the back. I will post a picture after I get it together, but I am so thankful for the UNEXPECTED blessings that God has given me this past week! I never dreamed when I said yes to books that I would have a BRAND new bookshelf too! It is the little things that happens that makes me know my God loves me!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rachel Katherine Mae

Rachel who we lovingly call "Migget" was born June 2, 2005, she was a whopping 6lbs 11oz and 18 inches long. Hard to believe that she is 7 tomorrow!! Rachel was the one that my Doctor decided we needed to induce. He was afraid that I would not make it to the hospital if I went into labor at home. Her birth is the only BAD one I have had!! All I remember is NEEDING nubane because I was afraid it was going to be forever and then after nubane I pushed her out an hour later.

She has ALWAYS been very talkative and even talks in her sleep! She got the nickname Migget because she is so short we called her Midget and she replied I am not a MIGGET!! She is always a little spazzy  and we NEVER know what she may do. While in TN on vacation she put panties on over her jammies and danced all over the townhouse we had. She SCREAMED when an ant was crawling on her that was yesterday! 

Rachel was a blessing to me and I am so thankful that God gave her to me. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her life, but I know she will accomplish much for Him! She LOVES going to Sunday School and Church, singing  in Kids Choir, and AWANA. She is a joy to teach in school even on the days we both want to quit!!

I love my MIGGET so very much and thank God that He heard my cry as a young woman longing for children. His plan and timing was perfect even though at the time I could not see it. I will be forever thankful for His perfect timing!