Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scrapes and Bumps in the Night!

At about 1:30 this morning I was awakened by a loud bang. My bedroom is right above our back door in the basement. I grabbed my phone ready to call 911 if I heard something else. As I am listening for the next noise it sounded like someone was scraping the side of our house. I jumped out of bed and was looking out the side window to see if anything was out there. I saw NOTHING!! Phone still in my hand I decided to check the other windows.

As I step into the hall I noticed a light on in Hannah's room. This is not abnormal because they sometimes sleep with the light on. I opened her door to turn the light off to look out the windows and was SHOCKED to find her MOVING furniture!! I was not very happy, but relieved I hadn't made my FRANTIC 911 call yet! I calmly (as calmly as you can at 1:30 am after the SCARE of your life) told her to get in bed and GO TO SLEEP!!! I also explained that even though her room looked nice it was time to SLEEP! 

Add this as a reason I am glad we home school. My children are night owls at times, and change rooms around!

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Month of Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday. It is a time for family and EATING with NO guilt!! I love everything about it! I love the colors of fall, the chill and smell in the air. Normally we spend Thanksgiving with my Mom's side of the family, but this year I am going to do our own. Rob has been gone for almost 10 weeks and I want to have special time with him and our girls before he travels back to Texas in December. I can't wait to buy my turkey, and start planning all of my sides and desserts! :-)

I am researching things about the first Thanksgiving to see what I can add to our celebration to make it educational too. I found this on Wikipedia so far and have more to find. 

In the United States

The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth By Jennie A. Brownscombe (1914)
In the United States, the modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition is commonly traced to a 1621 celebration at Plymouth in present-day Massachusetts. The 1621 Plymouth feast and thanksgiving was prompted by a good harvest. In later years, the tradition was continued by civil leaders such as Governor Bradford who planned a thanksgiving celebration and fast in 1623.[9][10][11] The practice of holding an annual harvest festival like this did not become a regular affair in New England until the late 1660s.[12]
Pilgrims and Puritans who began emigrating from England in the 1620s and 1630s carried the tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them to New England. Several days of Thanksgiving were held in early New England history that have been identified as the "First Thanksgiving", including Pilgrim holidays in Plymouth in 1621 and 1623, and a Puritan holiday in Boston in 1631.[13][14]
Thanksgiving proclamations were made mostly by church leaders in New England up until 1682, and then by both state and church leaders until after the American Revolution. During the revolutionary period, political influences affected the issuance of Thanksgiving proclamations. Various proclamations were made by royal governors, John Hancock, General George Washington, and the Continental Congress, each giving thanks to God for events favorable to their causes.[15] As President of the United States, George Washington proclaimed the first nation-wide thanksgiving celebration in America marking November 26, 1789, "as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God".[16]
According to historian Jeremy Bangs, director of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, the Pilgrims may have been influenced by watching the annual services of Thanksgiving for the relief of the siege of Leiden in 1574, while they were staying in Leiden.[17]
Every year, the President of the United States will “pardon” a turkey, which spares the bird's life and ensures that it will spend the duration of its life roaming freely on farmland.[18]

Debate about first celebrations

The traditional representation of where the first Thanksgiving was held in the United States, and even the Americas, has often been a subject of debate, though the debate is often confused by mixing up the ideas of a Thanksgiving holiday celebration and a Thanksgiving religious service. This debate has been called a "tempest in a beanpot" and "marvelous nonsense."[13] There is evidence for an earlier religious service by Spanish explorers in Texas at San Elizario in 1598, as well as thanksgiving feasts in the Virginia Colony.[19] The initial thanksgiving observance at Virginia in 1619 was prompted by the colonists' leaders on the anniversary of the settlement.[20] Author and teacher Robyn Gioia and Michael Gannon of the University of Florida have argued that the earliest attested "Thanksgiving" service in what is now the United States was celebrated by the Spanish on September 8, 1565, in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida.[21][22]
Thanksgiving services were routine in Virginia as early as 1607.[23] A day for Thanksgiving services was codified in the founding charter of Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia in 1619.[24]

Since Rob is still in TX for the next 2 weeks I am going to start doing special crafts to use for decorations for our feast. I will be perusing PINTEREST for great ideas too. We will definitely have hand turkeys, and our own place mats. I want to do formal place settings just to make it special. I would love to find special table ware too. It may just be fancy paper plates, but it will be SPECIAL!! I know the most special thing will be being together as a family again! We have missed Rob like CRAZY! We cannot wait to wrap out arms around him and kiss his face!

The thing I love MOST is reflecting on everything God has done in the last year for our family. As I look back I see all of the blessings God  has given us. I am thankful every day of my life but there is something about the month of November that brings it all to a head. Every day  life tends to wear us down and we sometimes forget to be thankful, Thanksgiving usually reminds people to be THANKFUL and remember that things aren't as bad as it seems. Over the years it seems as though Thanksgiving has been lost to Halloween, and Christmas. It is time that we put an emphasis back on THANKSGIVING and to what it means to be thankful. God has been merciful to each and everyone of us. No matter what you have been through I am sure you can find at least one thing to be thankful for! Food, shelter, job? I challenge each of my friends to find something to be thankful for during this month of thankfulness! 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sweet Opportunities

Yesterday the girls and I went to Sam's Club. After we were done they asked to go to the cemetery. After we visited the memorial site, I started to drive away when I saw an elderly couple with canes struggling to get back to their van. I stopped and jumped out to help. The elderly man asked me to help Mother because she had just a hand cane and he had the rolling type cane. They began telling me that they were visiting their daughter that passed away at 2 weeks old in 1944. He was stationed overseas fighting in WW2, and wasn't able to come home. That poor woman went through it alone, and it was their first child too. I helped "Mother" into her van, and she gave me a great big hug and told me thank you. They live in CA now, and their son flew them to his home in IL. He then told them to come to Indy so they could visit the grave site.

I didn't plan to go by the cemetery, but God wanted me to be there for that couple. I am so glad that I got to be helpful. I don't know their name, but I feel blessed that I got to meet and help them. NEVER pass up the opportunity to help someone else because you never know who you may meet!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Memorial Service

On Sunday I attended a memorial service for the baby we lost in August. I was surrounded by other women who faced similar circumstances I had just been through. There were many tears shed for the loss of a baby that would never know the arms of their loving Mother. I got to thinking about where my unborn child is living now. My baby has seen the face of God, and is resting in the arms of Jesus! I am so thankful that I have the promise of heaven and KNOW for sure I will see my precious unborn children I never got to hold here on earth. My unborn children will NEVER know ANY pain or sorrow!!!! When I think of that I can rejoice and be so thankful!

Thank you Chuck Mower for the BEAUTIFUL arrangement for my precious baby! You are truly a blessing to me and Rob.

When I read this poem it went straight to my heart. From the moment I found out I was expecting these thoughts went through my head. When I saw the heartbeat and the movements on the first ultrasound my heart was in love. God saw fit to call my baby home before it was even born. I can't wait to see the faces of the ones I never got to meet. I love you my unborn children!! (May 1998, August 2012)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Peaceful Morning

I love the mornings when my kiddos stay asleep after I get up! Today is a RARE treat! My older 5 spent the night with cousins last night so I only have Princess P and the little boy I babysit. They are both SOUNDLY sleeping right now and I am getting some quiet time. I have been up since 6:15 and did my workout. Now I am catching up on my shows from this week. As I am sitting here random things keep going through my mind! 

So much has happened in the last month and God has been with me each step of the way!  I am thankful for His wonderful mercy and grace on my life. I do not always understand what is going on but I trust Him each step of the way. His ways are so much better than mine. As we walk through life we get to make choices of our own. I do not always make the best choice for me, and sometimes I suffer for the choice I make. If I choose to eat candy all day and nothing else my body is going to be sick. The same applies to my Spiritual life. If I choose not to read my Bible, pray, and attend church my Spirit is going to be sick. I am so thankful that I am not a robot and I can make choices. I choose to walk with God and trust Him! Without Him I would be out of my mind with worry. There are times when I forget that God has it all figured out before I even know there is an issue and I worry and fret! Thankfully I am usually quickly reminded that I serve an AWESOME God and He NEVER leaves me. So thankful that His promises are true!

Last night I was introduced to Shaklee cleaning supplies! I had heard about them from a friend when the flu bug ran through our house a couple of years ago, and I used the sample she sent me to get rid of the germs. I never looked into buying them for my home though. The cleaning products are totally green and a LITTLE BIT goes a LONG, LONG way!! I can't wait to order and really put it to work. I am looking forward to getting rid of the HARSH chemicals in my home and using something that is better for all of us. They offer other products as well, but I am mostly interested in the cleaning products at this time. You will be seeing a review after I use them for a couple of weeks. 

I told you my thoughts have been random! It is the weekend and I am excited to have down time tomorrow! Tonight I am getting new mattresses for the girls bunk beds so I hope they will be able to sleep better at night! I will NEVER EVER EVER buy bunky board mattresses AGAIN!! They are literally a slat of wood with 2 inches of foam on them. They are HORRIBLE!! I am thankful that we were given money to get them new ones! Sam's Club has the BEST deal in town too for a name brand mattress! I highly recommend a Sam's membership! Rob and I always renew ours at tax time. It seriously pays for itself with the deals you can find!! I am saving about $50 per mattress. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow

I am so excited to give the final report of  Mom! All test have been done, and EVERYONE of them show NO cancer!! She does have a fracture in her femur and will follow up with the bone specialist in a month with another x-ray to check its progress! I am so thankful to all of my friends that have prayed for her and my family during this time! God is ALWAYS good, and even if we got the news of cancer we would have trusted Him for the answers we needed!

Life continues to roll on in the Kennedy home and we are in the process of planning fall activities. I want to hit the apple orchard so we can make homemade goodies, and I REALLY want to take the girls to Brown County too. Fall is my favorite time of year and I need to get the girls out and take pictures. I know I will get good ones when we go to the orchard and Brown County!

I have been painting in my bedroom and master bathroom. I love how it is looking and the freshness that paint brings to a room! My living room/ dining room is next on the painting agenda! I am putting my own style to this house and it is so wonderful!! I have always dreamed of redecorating my own home and it is happening. I am thankful that my husband just lets me do what I want (within reason) in our home. I am ready to pull up the carpet in my living/dining room, but am afraid to just in case the wood beneath is a mess!  I am going to price area rugs before I pull it up so I know I have an option if it is nasty!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Still Waiting for Answers

It is easier to update on Mom this way because there is so much to say! Last Friday she went and had a Mammogram and PET scan. Yesterday her doctor told her she was clear except for her leg. He ordered a MRI for early this morning. His nurse called to tell her he wants her to go and see another Doctor on Friday, have another Mammogram and then go back to him next week. We know for SURE that something IS going on, but are still unsure of what it is. He was not comfortable giving her the all clear in her breast yet and that is why she is doing another Mammogram. Our family asks that you continue to pray for us as we walk through this together.

I am so thankful that I was able to go to Ladies Retreat over the weekend because God KNEW what was going to be happening in my life. The theme was The Other Side of the Storm. Our family is in the midst of the storm, but God knows what is on the other side and He is going to walk with us each step of the way. My God will continue to be my rock and I will trust in Him. Right now the clouds are thick and hard to see through but I know the answers are near and He NEVER changes. I can thank Him today for tomorrow because God is ALWAYS good to me even in the storms!

The song below has been on my heart for a few days. I used to sing this with my friend and her parents as a teen. The message is so strong in this song. No matter what happens GOD will roll me over the tide!









Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Ways are Best

Rob has been in Texas for almost a month and I MISS him like CRAZY!! This month has been like an ETERNITY to me and the girls! Not quite sure when he gets to come home yet, but I know it isn't real soon.  A lot has happened since he left. Sick kids, dead battery, and other things too. Nothing to life shattering! Normal day to day things until yesterday :-)

Yesterday my Mom went to see her Cancer Doc due to pain she has had in her arm. Blood work came back great, BUT they found a lump in her breast. On Friday she is going to be having a mammogram and PET scan. These tests will help us to know what they are looking at. The doctor is pretty sure she has breast cancer due to the lump and the pain. My heart dropped when she told me and my mind went back 7&1/2 years ago when we found out about her Lymphoma in her leg. My Mom means the world to me and I don't want to watch her go through this again. I don't like that she is in pain and facing this again. Yes, I am selfish and want to bury my head in the sand, BUT I am so THANKFUL that I know the Master Healer and I can trust Him no matter what we find out. God is good no matter the outcome. His ways are best even in hearing the scary words Cancer has returned! I don't understand why this is happening and I know it is not for me to understand. I am ever thankful for a mother that trusts the Lord even in stormy weather. I am most thankful that God gave her a wonderful, loving husband 5 years ago. She is not going to face this trial alone on this earth. God gave her Gary and I know he will be with her every step of the way.

Please pray for our family as we face this scary time together. I am reminded of the song "Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus." I pray this will be my song through this trial for I know when I trust in Jesus ALL fears cease, and I know He will see me through the entire trial! God is so good to me!

"'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus"
’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more!

O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!

Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.

I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

God is ALWAYS Good!

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.

The last few days have been a time of sorrow, joy and hope for our family. 

 On Thursday, I went to the doctor for a second ultrasound to find that our baby's heart had stopped beating. I do not know why, but I have peace because I trust in the Lord! He is the giver and taker of life so I trust Him to know best for me. I have had tears of sorrow and of joy.

I have joy for many reasons. His timing is PERFECT! Rob is scheduled to go to Texas for 2 months for work and God allowed this to happen before he left so I was not alone! I have joy because God has blessed me with 6 children already. I have joy knowing that this baby is in heaven with my first child I lost and I have hope knowing I will see their faces some sweet day!!

I can rest knowing that my Heavenly Father has my best in His mind. His ways are perfect and I rest in the promises of His Word. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School!

2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Today we started our first day of school! I am blessed to have a functioning school room from day one. Our room is a finished room in the basement. God knew exactly what we needed when we got this house. I know a classroom is not necessary for home schooling but it is nice to have a set place! It was fun to hear the excitement of the girls as they dressed, brushed teeth and did their hair before school. I love that they were so excited! We will see in a month if they continue this excitement!

 Our morning started with the Pledge to our Nations Flag, and singing "My Country Tis of Thee." I remember doing this in school every morning and I want to teach my girls too. Hannah and Elizabeth learned about organizing today, and put those skills to the test. Julia and Emily did Bible and then Julia finished the day with her counting book. Rachel did Bible and Math for her first day. We were in school for about an hour and a half today. I plan on adding new subjects every couple of days. I like the idea of building up to the next subject.

I know it will take a few weeks to tweak our day to how I want it to be. I have 3 who are 3, 2, and 1 so I am open to ideas from those who have had this in their schooling. (Mrs. Chilson HINT) I know they will get used to the routine too. I plan on finding age appropriate things to try to keep their attention to, and they will ONLY get those items when we are down stairs for school. It will be their special school box. Please pray for me as we continue our school year. Pray that the girls will continue their excitement for learning. I know this is going to be a great year! It is hard to believe that Hannah is in 5th, Elizabeth is in 4th, Rachel in 2nd, Julia K5, and Emily K3! My girls are growing so fast and I constantly pray that I am instilling God's Values for life and book learning.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

RANDOM Top 5's

It has been over a month since I have posted so I am going to post several top 5's of my life right now! I think I am going to start doing this often. It makes me stop and think and reminds me of what is special in my life. There are days that I get down, and feel alone but this is a great reminder for me to know I am NEVER alone!

Top 5 Reasons I Home School

5. I want to be home with my children and Christian School is not in our budget.

4. I truly enjoy being with my children and seeing their faces light up with understanding!

3. I want to know my children are getting a well rounded education. (not necessarily just from books)

2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE teaching!

1. I want my children to learn about every day life too. I have all girls and I am training them to one day be a better wife and mother than I am! 

Top 5 Reasons I KNOW I Am Getting OLD(er)

5. Kids with NO respect for adults ANNOY me!!

4. I often think "What would my Grandparents and Parents do?

3. My back hurts EVERY morning when I wake up and it makes me MOAN!!

2. I am now the one that feels that driving 60 in a 55 is speeding!

1. I can NO LONGER drink caffeine with dinner. It keeps me up until 4am!!

Top 5 Reasons I Love my Church: Lighthouse Indy

5. My Pastor prays for me daily!

4. There is a place for everyone in the family.

3. Bus kids! Yes, sometimes they can be crazy, but aren't all kids a little crazy sometimes? I know mine are.

2. I have the BEST Pastor and Pastor's Wife. I love them so very much.

1. Everyone is WELCOME! God is no respecter of persons and wants all to come to Him. 

Top 5 Reason I Love my Husband

5. He loves me even when I am unlovable!

4. He loves ALL of our children as much as I do!

3. He works VERY hard so I can be home!

2. He knows when I need a break and sends me OUT the door or comes home with a Pepsi in his hand!

1. He makes me feel special every day. Some days it is just that look in his eyes that makes me know I am his number 1!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2012

July is a very busy month for us. On the 15th we celebrate our anniversary  17 years this year!! Then we have birthdays on the 23rd and 30th! I always sit back and think about how fortunate I am to have the husband that I have. God definitely hand picked him for me! He is my perfect match. I am not always the easiest person to be around BUT he loves me even on the grumpy days. Some days he knows to just bring home a BIG fountain Pepsi and give me a little time to chill out! Some days it is why don't you get out of the house ALONE! He works extremely hard so that I can stay home and teach our girls. The house isn't always   perfect, but he NEVER complains. Do we have disagreements? OF COURSE we do!! I never remember what they are about and they are usually down right STUPID, but we always make up and they never last long. My husband is my VERY BEST friend and I don't know what I would do without him. He makes me smile. With just one look he can make me weak in the knees :-) I love him with my whole heart and thank God for him each and every day! He is every thing I ever wanted and more!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unexpected Blessings

A friend of mine posted on Facebook last week that she was cleaning out some books and asked if anyone would be interested. I jumped on it, and on Sunday she brought me 3 BOXES of books!! As I was going through them my girls kept getting more and more excited especially when we found some American Girl books in the boxes. They LOVE to read them and was so excited to have new ones to read. As I was thinking about a place to put the books I realize I NEED another bookshelf! On Monday I posted on Facebook what I needed and a friend responded she had one still IN the box and would sell it to me for $10! On Tuesday I went and picked it up. Thankfully her son was home to put it in my truck. The girls and I went to the grocery store and I never looked at the box until putting groceries in the back. I will post a picture after I get it together, but I am so thankful for the UNEXPECTED blessings that God has given me this past week! I never dreamed when I said yes to books that I would have a BRAND new bookshelf too! It is the little things that happens that makes me know my God loves me!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Rachel Katherine Mae

Rachel who we lovingly call "Migget" was born June 2, 2005, she was a whopping 6lbs 11oz and 18 inches long. Hard to believe that she is 7 tomorrow!! Rachel was the one that my Doctor decided we needed to induce. He was afraid that I would not make it to the hospital if I went into labor at home. Her birth is the only BAD one I have had!! All I remember is NEEDING nubane because I was afraid it was going to be forever and then after nubane I pushed her out an hour later.

She has ALWAYS been very talkative and even talks in her sleep! She got the nickname Migget because she is so short we called her Midget and she replied I am not a MIGGET!! She is always a little spazzy  and we NEVER know what she may do. While in TN on vacation she put panties on over her jammies and danced all over the townhouse we had. She SCREAMED when an ant was crawling on her that was yesterday! 

Rachel was a blessing to me and I am so thankful that God gave her to me. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her life, but I know she will accomplish much for Him! She LOVES going to Sunday School and Church, singing  in Kids Choir, and AWANA. She is a joy to teach in school even on the days we both want to quit!!

I love my MIGGET so very much and thank God that He heard my cry as a young woman longing for children. His plan and timing was perfect even though at the time I could not see it. I will be forever thankful for His perfect timing!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Princess P

A year ago today I was admitted to the hospital and given medicine to put my body on rest from contractions. I got a full night of sleep and on the 22nd of May the Doc on call said if I made it to 4 he would break my water. I got to 3.5 and he put me on ANOTHER rest!! Monday the 23rd my WONDERFUL Dr. Lane cam in and I was very very close to a 4. We had to make a decision on if we went home and possibly not make it back to the hospital or go ahead and break my water. Rob and I discussed all of the pros and cons and decided it was in our best interest to go ahead and let Priscilla come. My labor was normal and typical for me! Princess P arrived at 4:10 pm and weighed in at 6lb 2oz 19.5 inches long. At the end she came very quickly and didn't get all the fluid out of her lungs so the NICU team that was in the delivery with us decided she needed to be up stairs. This begins our 2 week stay in the NICU.

Even though Priscilla was considered full term we quickly found out that in some ways she was a preemie. It was hard to watch her just lying in her bed BUT I am so thankful that I have a heavenly Father who was with me each step of the way. I had to fully trust Him. She lost weight and got down to 5lb 6oz when we brought her home on June 6th! When we came home she had to take medicine for acid reflux.

When Priscilla first started going to the doc she was not even on the growth chart! Within a week we figured out my milk was not enough for her so we put her on formula with rice cereal. Thankfully that did the trick and by the time she was 3 mths we no longer had to take the meds for acid reflux. In November, we started having other issues with her and in December we found out that Princess has asthma and was put on Albuterol and a Prednisolone to open up her airways. In January her ashtma flared up big time and we found out that she had RSV too. Another round of Prednisolone AND a daily steroid was added to her breathing treatments twice a day. In April, ALLERGY season flared up, and YEP, you guessed it we are not taking Loratidine daily for her allergies, but on a good note we have been taken off of the Pulmicort for her breathing. We have had MANY ear infections since she was born, and many medications also, BUT I know that God must have something special for my Princess P because He allowed her to come home from the hospital AND make it through EVERY trial that we have had in this first year! Princess P is now walking EVERYWHERE!!!

I want to take the time to THANK the Nurses and Doctors at Community North Hospital. With out their knowledge in the NICU my Princess may not have made it to her first birthday! I don't remember ALL of their names, but I remember the ones who allowed me to have my meltdowns and cry on their shoulder! Brenda, and Ashlyn are 2 that I remember specifically! Ashlyn was our night nurse and she was ALWAYS encouraging and sweet. Brenda was a day nurse and she had all 3 of my girls that went through the NICU. God knows exactly what we need when we need it and I am so very THANKFUL that I had both of these nurses when I needed them. I hope one day I will get to tell them how much they mean to me and my family!

Thank You Lord for adding Princess P to our family! I pray that she serves You her entire life!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Princess P's 1st Birthday Party

First I want to thank everyone who was able to come on Saturday! You made the day special! I think the party went very well! It was so much fun, and I fretted so much over it and I should not have! Ladybugs were the theme for her party! My niece Breanna made the birthday sign and we used the ladybugs that were used for Cubbie Parent night at church! Priscilla's birthday is not until the 23rd of the month BUT we will be on a train heading to Chicago! (that is another post) I was taken off of bed rest a year ago today! Amazing what this last year has been like, but I would not change it for the world! Today I figured that in her first year of life I have seen the doctor more for her than all her sisters combined!! (1st years only) I am praying that year 2 is a WHOLE lot healthier for her!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unexpected Events

Rob texted me on Tuesday asking if I minded him going out of town for 2 weeks. I thought about it for about 2 seconds and sent back GO!! Normally I will say go and NOTHING happens! Imagine my surprise when his phone rings last night while we were eating to be told he HAD to be in Mississippi by 1pm today!!!! We went to church and when we got home he ate a snack and went to bed. I stayed up and washed his clothes and folded them. While I was waiting for them to dry I wrote him a letter for each day he is gone! Hannah and Rachel stayed up with me and wrote him a letter too. I know I will miss him and can't wait for him to return home.

Next Saturday I have Princess P's 1st birthday party and depending on how the job goes he may or may not make it home. Her birthday is not until the 23rd so he will only miss her party which is fine because we will be celebrating it again on her birthday while in Chicago! I am so excited for our vacation coming up! My brother and his family will be here, and my Aunt and Uncle and their kids are coming too! There will be 19 of us in all! WOW!! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am really looking forward to getting my bows into the hands of others! I have been working on bows for weeks now and I cannot wait until Saturday! I will have about 100 bows when I am done and 30 pairs of RUFFLED socks! Roses, Princess Bows, Zebra Print bows, and I also have a few bow holders I will be selling too!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Memories of my Dad

14 years ago my Dad passed on into Glory! I have good memories and of course bad memories too. I am going to share a few of my favorite memories but to get there some of the bad will be shared.

My dad wasn't always the kind hearted, loving  person people came to know in the last 5 years of his life. He was born in Pinot, KY, and had a twin that passed as an infant. I don't know much about his life growing up, and some of what I do know it isn't important to share. He grew up on the west side of Indianapolis, IN. He served in the Army, but I am unsure of how many years. My parents were married on Feb 9, 1974 and he always told people that was one of the best things that happened to him next to his Salvation.

I am going to jump ahead to 1992. In 1992 my dad decided it was best for him to leave our family. I was hurt and devastated. I was angry at him for choosing this, but this is when things truly changed in our family. My mom said she refused to sign divorce papers and started fasting and praying for my dad. For those who say fasting and praying doesn't work let me finish this story. My dad did come back but a couple of weeks later he left again and this time moved to Tennessee. I saw my mom fast and pray again for their marriage. She was STILL willing to forgive him for leaving and moving with another woman. Not many have the strength to do this, but I am so THANKFUL that my Mom did because God worked and got a hold of my Dad's heart. He came home for good in Aug of 1993. The difference was unbelievable, and I know ONLY God could change him and make him what he was.

My dad became a totally different person. He tried to always speak kind to everyone, and had a zeal for the Lord I had never seen in him before. He was hired as the janitor for our church and he LOVED every moment of it. He took pride in making sure God's house was always ready for services. I have never seen the floors shine like my dad was able to get them to do. He loved going to the mission too. He once told me that by the grace of God he did not go there when he deserved to. I was privileged to have him walk me down the isle when I got married in 1995. I am so thankful for the changes that came.

 On April 11, 1998, Rob and I spent the day with my parents. My dad had lost his vision due to the brain tumor, but he was coaching me on how to make Pecan Pies. Rob and I went home at about 10, and as we walked in the door our phone was ringing. My mom was calling to tell us something was wrong with my Dad. I told her to call 911 and we were on our way. Thankfully we only lived 2 minutes away. We arrived before the paramedics and while my Mom was giving them the information I went into the room with him. While sitting with him he kept looking straight at the ceiling and reaching, I thought he wanted my hand but he kept pushing it away. As the paramedics moved him off the bed he took his last breath. I believe he saw the Angels coming to take him home. I still miss him today, and wish my girls could have met their Poppy Smith. He was only on earth for a short time, but I know in the last 5 years of his life he strived to live as Christ wanted him to live. I am thankful for the example he was to me.