Friday, October 12, 2012

Peaceful Morning

I love the mornings when my kiddos stay asleep after I get up! Today is a RARE treat! My older 5 spent the night with cousins last night so I only have Princess P and the little boy I babysit. They are both SOUNDLY sleeping right now and I am getting some quiet time. I have been up since 6:15 and did my workout. Now I am catching up on my shows from this week. As I am sitting here random things keep going through my mind! 

So much has happened in the last month and God has been with me each step of the way!  I am thankful for His wonderful mercy and grace on my life. I do not always understand what is going on but I trust Him each step of the way. His ways are so much better than mine. As we walk through life we get to make choices of our own. I do not always make the best choice for me, and sometimes I suffer for the choice I make. If I choose to eat candy all day and nothing else my body is going to be sick. The same applies to my Spiritual life. If I choose not to read my Bible, pray, and attend church my Spirit is going to be sick. I am so thankful that I am not a robot and I can make choices. I choose to walk with God and trust Him! Without Him I would be out of my mind with worry. There are times when I forget that God has it all figured out before I even know there is an issue and I worry and fret! Thankfully I am usually quickly reminded that I serve an AWESOME God and He NEVER leaves me. So thankful that His promises are true!

Last night I was introduced to Shaklee cleaning supplies! I had heard about them from a friend when the flu bug ran through our house a couple of years ago, and I used the sample she sent me to get rid of the germs. I never looked into buying them for my home though. The cleaning products are totally green and a LITTLE BIT goes a LONG, LONG way!! I can't wait to order and really put it to work. I am looking forward to getting rid of the HARSH chemicals in my home and using something that is better for all of us. They offer other products as well, but I am mostly interested in the cleaning products at this time. You will be seeing a review after I use them for a couple of weeks. 

I told you my thoughts have been random! It is the weekend and I am excited to have down time tomorrow! Tonight I am getting new mattresses for the girls bunk beds so I hope they will be able to sleep better at night! I will NEVER EVER EVER buy bunky board mattresses AGAIN!! They are literally a slat of wood with 2 inches of foam on them. They are HORRIBLE!! I am thankful that we were given money to get them new ones! Sam's Club has the BEST deal in town too for a name brand mattress! I highly recommend a Sam's membership! Rob and I always renew ours at tax time. It seriously pays for itself with the deals you can find!! I am saving about $50 per mattress. 

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