Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fun Days to Come

I think the girls had fun wearing their new dresses on Sunday! They looked cute when they left the house:)
This year they each had a different dress except for Rachel and Julia. They wanted to match! I had every intention of watching my brother's church on Sunday morning, but after everyone left I laid back down and FELL ASLEEP! I woke up when Rob called me at almost 1!! I guess I needed the sleep.

Now we are preparing to take a train trip to my mom's for the weekend! So far the doctor has given the green light to go. I will know for sure on Thursday after my ultrasound! The funny thing is I can only ride the train there, and go to her apartment and LAY down! Bed rest even on vacation! My niece is keeping an eye on the house and our dog, and we have great neighbors who watch out for creepers!! The girls cannot wait to go to American Girl with Grandmama! I think the train ride is going to be exciting, and adventurous! I have been very careful since being put on bed rest and this makes me a little nervous, BUT at least she has said yes! I hope that on Thursday the answer is the same.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


As many of you know, we live in a mobile home and when the storms come we leave the house. Last night we left just in case it got bad suddenly! Thankfully the major storms stayed away! I was talking to my Mom this morning and she told me that Hannah was texting Chloe (Aaron's daughter) during the storm. At one point she texted PRAY FOR THE KENNEDY FAMILY THE STORM IS HERE!! LOL, they are so funny! Rachel fretted the whole time, and Emily and Julia slept through it :) Elizabeth is like her Daddy and LOVES the storms!

Storms always make me think of the storms of life. We have weathered some storms lately, but God has been there. I know I have whined about being on bed rest, and the things I will be missing out on. I know that there is a reason for this storm, and I know that God is in TOTAL control! Please forgive my pity parties when I have them and just pray harder please. I go back to the Doc on Friday and will know more then. I know this is bad, BUT I am going to beg, plead, and PROMISE to do nothing IF they will let me take the train to see my Mom next weekend! Train tickets were purchased months ago, and I really, really, really want to go! If I am not able to go Rob is still going to take the girls and have fun! I am NOT going to ruin their fun weekend with Grandmama!

This morning my devotions found me in Deut. chap 1. This is when Moses told the Children of Israel who would and wouldn't see the Promise Land. I pray that my murmurings is not hurting God's ears like they did! I can say in confidence that I have not blamed God for my circumstances or even questioned Him on it so I think I am ok ;) He has a purpose and reason for my bed rest and I am going to trust Him through it! I wrote a song while I was in High School called Lift Me Up Lord, and when I am down I always find myself singing it!

Lift Me Up Lord
The storms of life have got me down 
I need you Lord to lift me up
Things are happening I don't understand
YOU are the only One who can help me

Lift me up Lord
take me higher than ever
oh, just lift me up Lord 
fill my cup Lord
till it runs over

The storms of life just slip on by
with you by my side
every tear that falls from these eyes

Lift me up Lord
take me higher than ever
oh, just lift me up Lord 
fill my cup Lord
till it runs over

God has NEVER failed me though I fail Him often!! I am so weak and HE is so STRONG! I am so thankful that He never leaves me, or forsakes me!! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

When Life Gives Lemons.......Make Lemonade??????

I know I already complained about the week being long and rough, BUT imagine my surprise when it got a little more difficult! Wednesday evening we found out that my father-in-law Roger was back in the hospital!! Thursday Rob took me for a drive and while he visited Dad the girls and I relaxed in the truck while he visited. It was so nice to get out of the house while it was still warm :).

Yesterday afternoon I had to make an UNSCHEDULED trip to Labor and Delivery to find out that in a little over a week I am now efface 75-80% and 1cm dilated! Total bed rest for me and a visit with my Doc on Monday! So now worry mode has set in a little more. I feel bad for Rob because even more is on his shoulders! 

Chicago trip is definitely out for me but I plan on sending the rest of the family! I had to make another list for Rob. Things I need before going to the hospital! Ladies you know that fun trip and what needs to be bought.... POOR ROB! LOL

The old saying "When life gives lemons make lemonade" came to mind this morning as I was lying awake in my bed with kids surrounding me. What can I do to make Lemonade out of this?! I have thought for several hours and the only thing I can come up with is TRUSTING the LORD! He knows what is going to happen before it ever happens! I don't have to worry over tomorrow because HE is ALREADY there and is with me each step of the way! 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all  your care upon HIM, for HE CARETH for you. Those of you who have heard Mrs. Tidd talk about this verse will know what I am saying when I say I heard her talking when this verse came to mind! Why do I have to worry when I have this verse running through my mind? HE cares for me more than I could ever care for myself! He loves Priscilla more than I ever could and HE knows the end result!! 

I will end this post by saying this. I am concerned about Priscilla making an entrance TOO SOON, but I know that God has a purpose and a plan for even this. I may not be able to see the "lemonade" right now, but God does and I have to CAST this CARE at HIS FEET and LET HIM take CARE of ME!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Worry?????

This has been a LONG week and it is ONLY Wednesday! I was able to go to church Sunday night to hear my girls sing, BUT had contractions by the time I got home that hurt. So since  then I have done nothing but cook dinner each night! It is really starting to frustrate me and I try not to worry but it is so stinking hard not to. My last 2 girls were considered full term and they each spent a week in the NICU. Yes, I know it is wrong to worry when God is in control of everything, but with 8.5 weeks to go and the signs of going early are there it is hard not to worry. I trust the Lord, and know whatever happens is His will!

I don't like that poor Rob has even more put on him right now, but I know he isn't stressing over extra responsibilities. He went to the grocery last night with Hannah and Rachel. Hannah has gone with me enough to know exactly what I buy! He doesn't get upset when he comes home and the house is a mess. He gets the girls busy doing what needs to be done. I am so thankful that he loves me so much and wants to make sure Priscilla stays where she needs to be until the right time.

I have been leaning on Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowlede Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
~Some days are easier than others, but I know if I am not leaning on these verses I am worrying about EVERYTHING!!! How will the house get clean? I need to go to the grocery store.... Dishes need done... All of this goes through my head, BUT when I am TRUSTING with my WHOLE heart those worries are quiet and I am able to rest.

Please pray for me friends because I really need them right now. Below is a picture of a rainbow because it helps me to remember God's promise to Noah! I know that it applies to my situation right now too!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


As I sit and appreciate my now SILENT house I think of all the times I asked for the girls to be a little more quiet today~ Before they left for church our house was CRAZY!! I am very thankful to be able to hear myself think for the small amount of time that they will be at church.

I do not listen to Country Music but as I was building my play list I came across My Little Girl by Tim McGraw, and as I listened to it I pictured my girls all grown up and this song hit home! Hannah is already 9 but when I look at her sometimes she is still MY LITTLE 5lb 3.6oz GIRL~ The same goes for each of my girls! Please don't be offended by the song.

As most know after experiencing contractions every time I was up last week Rob and I decided it was best for me to do as little as possible. I went to the doctor on Tuesday to find that I am 25% effaced and my cervical line is getting smaller. I am not dilating YET which is a good thing. I go back in 2 weeks for another Ultra Sound and doctor visit. Please pray for us as it is TOO SOON for our Priscilla to be born! I am still taking it easy and doing very little around the house.

I am so thankful for a husband who does not get angry or upset that this is happening and more responsibility falls on him. I am also thankful that I home school and can teach my oldest 2 different responsibilities to take charge of. In the last week Hannah has learned how to do a load of laundry, and has kept the living room picked up. Elizabeth has the responsibility of taking out the trash and sweeping the kitchen floor 2 times a day! As soon as I get dishes caught up they will be trading off washing the dishes.  Is it all perfectly done? NO, but it is the best that they can do and I AM PROUD of them!!

I am thankful for the friends GOD has placed in my life! I have had several offer to come and help clean, cook, keep kids, etc. BUT I can honestly tell them that things are going well so far. My home has never been perfect ESPECIALLY since we have a large family in a SMALL home, but GOD has blessed us and I am CONTENT and HAPPY where I am. One day I will have the home of my dreams (a place for everything and everything in its place) I am not asking for a mansion ;) I want to say THANK YOU to ALL who have offered to help, and I PROMISE IF and WHEN I need it I will call!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend FUN

Friday night we were on our way to our Sunday School activity to find that it was cancelled because the church did not have power! So Rob took us to eat at IHOP:) The girls ate like queens! After we ate we got a couple of movies and headed home to have SUGAR night! The girls loved watching Tangled, and I must admit I liked it too! I was thrilled to have a break from BARBIE movies.

Saturday found us celebrating Sue's (Granny) 60th birthday! The food was wonderful, and it was fun visiting with family. Saturday night we made up bags for our church for Seeds for Harvest. The girls thought it was great! Especially knowing that we will be getting to pass them out in a couple of weeks.

Sunday is always my favorite day of the week. We all were able to go to church together as a family. Sunday School was amazing as usual! Rob and I had Jr. Church. We had 23 boys yesterday. I got the opportunity to help a boy be assured of his salvation. I am so thankful for the weekend we had together.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Onesies for Priscilla

The girls had a blast making these for Priscilla! These are not the final pictures they will be posted after they are dry. I can tell you who made what though. Hannah made the horse. Elizabeth the dog with the girl. Rachel is the girl with the yellow hair. Julia is the pink headed girl. They have already started asking which one Priscilla is coming home from the hospital in, and I told them it would not be fair to the other girls if I picked just one:) Priscilla will have her picture taken in each one with her big sister!
 As for the art project itself.... Wait until you see the FINAL products! LOL, I thought the oldest 3 could handle the puffy paint on their own, imagine my surprise when Rachel GLOBBED a PILE of green puffy paint on the onesie! The best part of the project is they enjoyed creating shirts that Priscilla will wear and they will be proud of what they did when they see her in it!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Rachel's bottom tooth has been loose for a couple of months! Yesterday she decided she wanted to eat an apple to see if it would help pull it. She kept eating the apple until the tooth started bleeding and then she was done. This is where the DRAMA begins! I told her I needed to finish pulling the tooth. OH MY WORD!!! You would have thought I was trying to murder the child. The tooth was so loose I should have been able to pull it out in one pull but NO, she had to have a MAJOR meltdown! I am surprised a neighbor didn't call the police and report me for child abuse. Finally, after having Hannah hold her arms I got a hold of the tooth and pulled it out. End of DRAMA, right?! NO, she had to cry for another 5 minutes! I love my girls but the DRAMA may kill me at an early age!