Saturday, April 16, 2011

When Life Gives Lemons.......Make Lemonade??????

I know I already complained about the week being long and rough, BUT imagine my surprise when it got a little more difficult! Wednesday evening we found out that my father-in-law Roger was back in the hospital!! Thursday Rob took me for a drive and while he visited Dad the girls and I relaxed in the truck while he visited. It was so nice to get out of the house while it was still warm :).

Yesterday afternoon I had to make an UNSCHEDULED trip to Labor and Delivery to find out that in a little over a week I am now efface 75-80% and 1cm dilated! Total bed rest for me and a visit with my Doc on Monday! So now worry mode has set in a little more. I feel bad for Rob because even more is on his shoulders! 

Chicago trip is definitely out for me but I plan on sending the rest of the family! I had to make another list for Rob. Things I need before going to the hospital! Ladies you know that fun trip and what needs to be bought.... POOR ROB! LOL

The old saying "When life gives lemons make lemonade" came to mind this morning as I was lying awake in my bed with kids surrounding me. What can I do to make Lemonade out of this?! I have thought for several hours and the only thing I can come up with is TRUSTING the LORD! He knows what is going to happen before it ever happens! I don't have to worry over tomorrow because HE is ALREADY there and is with me each step of the way! 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all  your care upon HIM, for HE CARETH for you. Those of you who have heard Mrs. Tidd talk about this verse will know what I am saying when I say I heard her talking when this verse came to mind! Why do I have to worry when I have this verse running through my mind? HE cares for me more than I could ever care for myself! He loves Priscilla more than I ever could and HE knows the end result!! 

I will end this post by saying this. I am concerned about Priscilla making an entrance TOO SOON, but I know that God has a purpose and a plan for even this. I may not be able to see the "lemonade" right now, but God does and I have to CAST this CARE at HIS FEET and LET HIM take CARE of ME!!

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