Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Worry?????

This has been a LONG week and it is ONLY Wednesday! I was able to go to church Sunday night to hear my girls sing, BUT had contractions by the time I got home that hurt. So since  then I have done nothing but cook dinner each night! It is really starting to frustrate me and I try not to worry but it is so stinking hard not to. My last 2 girls were considered full term and they each spent a week in the NICU. Yes, I know it is wrong to worry when God is in control of everything, but with 8.5 weeks to go and the signs of going early are there it is hard not to worry. I trust the Lord, and know whatever happens is His will!

I don't like that poor Rob has even more put on him right now, but I know he isn't stressing over extra responsibilities. He went to the grocery last night with Hannah and Rachel. Hannah has gone with me enough to know exactly what I buy! He doesn't get upset when he comes home and the house is a mess. He gets the girls busy doing what needs to be done. I am so thankful that he loves me so much and wants to make sure Priscilla stays where she needs to be until the right time.

I have been leaning on Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowlede Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
~Some days are easier than others, but I know if I am not leaning on these verses I am worrying about EVERYTHING!!! How will the house get clean? I need to go to the grocery store.... Dishes need done... All of this goes through my head, BUT when I am TRUSTING with my WHOLE heart those worries are quiet and I am able to rest.

Please pray for me friends because I really need them right now. Below is a picture of a rainbow because it helps me to remember God's promise to Noah! I know that it applies to my situation right now too!

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog???? I'm excited...YAY! :)
