Wednesday, April 6, 2011


As I sit and appreciate my now SILENT house I think of all the times I asked for the girls to be a little more quiet today~ Before they left for church our house was CRAZY!! I am very thankful to be able to hear myself think for the small amount of time that they will be at church.

I do not listen to Country Music but as I was building my play list I came across My Little Girl by Tim McGraw, and as I listened to it I pictured my girls all grown up and this song hit home! Hannah is already 9 but when I look at her sometimes she is still MY LITTLE 5lb 3.6oz GIRL~ The same goes for each of my girls! Please don't be offended by the song.

As most know after experiencing contractions every time I was up last week Rob and I decided it was best for me to do as little as possible. I went to the doctor on Tuesday to find that I am 25% effaced and my cervical line is getting smaller. I am not dilating YET which is a good thing. I go back in 2 weeks for another Ultra Sound and doctor visit. Please pray for us as it is TOO SOON for our Priscilla to be born! I am still taking it easy and doing very little around the house.

I am so thankful for a husband who does not get angry or upset that this is happening and more responsibility falls on him. I am also thankful that I home school and can teach my oldest 2 different responsibilities to take charge of. In the last week Hannah has learned how to do a load of laundry, and has kept the living room picked up. Elizabeth has the responsibility of taking out the trash and sweeping the kitchen floor 2 times a day! As soon as I get dishes caught up they will be trading off washing the dishes.  Is it all perfectly done? NO, but it is the best that they can do and I AM PROUD of them!!

I am thankful for the friends GOD has placed in my life! I have had several offer to come and help clean, cook, keep kids, etc. BUT I can honestly tell them that things are going well so far. My home has never been perfect ESPECIALLY since we have a large family in a SMALL home, but GOD has blessed us and I am CONTENT and HAPPY where I am. One day I will have the home of my dreams (a place for everything and everything in its place) I am not asking for a mansion ;) I want to say THANK YOU to ALL who have offered to help, and I PROMISE IF and WHEN I need it I will call!

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