Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scrapes and Bumps in the Night!

At about 1:30 this morning I was awakened by a loud bang. My bedroom is right above our back door in the basement. I grabbed my phone ready to call 911 if I heard something else. As I am listening for the next noise it sounded like someone was scraping the side of our house. I jumped out of bed and was looking out the side window to see if anything was out there. I saw NOTHING!! Phone still in my hand I decided to check the other windows.

As I step into the hall I noticed a light on in Hannah's room. This is not abnormal because they sometimes sleep with the light on. I opened her door to turn the light off to look out the windows and was SHOCKED to find her MOVING furniture!! I was not very happy, but relieved I hadn't made my FRANTIC 911 call yet! I calmly (as calmly as you can at 1:30 am after the SCARE of your life) told her to get in bed and GO TO SLEEP!!! I also explained that even though her room looked nice it was time to SLEEP! 

Add this as a reason I am glad we home school. My children are night owls at times, and change rooms around!

1 comment:

  1. She is so funny changing her room again! I think Mrs. Tidd inspires her every week at Sunday School LOL
