Monday, January 28, 2013

Catching Up and New Year New Me

Sorry to those of you who follow me on a regular basis! I have not posted for a LONG time! I didn't realize Nov.8th was the last time I posted! Life has been very busy around the Kennedy house!

Rob was home for 2 weeks at Thanksgiving and we had someone with the flu the WHOLE time he was home!! Then he was back to TX for 3 weeks. He got home the Friday before Christmas. He has been home for about a week when he got the call that he was definitely going to FL! He left Jan. 2. He will be there until the end of July. While it is harder when he is gone, I am thankful for this opportunity that he has. He is flying home next weekend and I can't wait to see him!! He bought a bike when he got there and has been riding a ton. He said he needs suspenders to hold his pants up!!

I think we have FINALLY found a routine that fits for the girls and I during the days. I get the girls up at 9 and they have an hour to eat, dress and play. At 10 we start our school day by reading our Bibles. Our church is reading through the Bible in a year and I have my girls reading the New Testament. After they read what is scheduled for the day we read the Proverb for the day. This usually takes about an hour. Then we are ready to begin school work. Each child works at their own pace and we get done by 3 at the latest! After school the little ones watch Dora while the older ones start doing their jobs. I implemented a new thing of an hour of TV each evening. We record shows that they like to watch and each evening after ALL chores are complete they get their hour. This has been working very well for us.

As all of you know I am overweight! When Rob left I started my journey of weight loss again! I have lost 7 pounds so far just by counting my calories and MEASURING everything I eat! I no longer guestimate. I had a Pampered Chef party and literally earned a TON of FREE items! I purchased their food scale and USE it daily! I am really wanting to get slim this year. I know that I feel better just with 7 pounds gone! On Saturday I got rid of my size 16 skirts! My goal is 140 so I have about 40 more to lose. I am also working on growing closer to the Lord. I have tried several times to read my Bible in a year. I have ALWAYS failed when I get to Leviticus. I am a person who wants to totally understand something and Leviticus has ALWAYS been hard for me. I am excited because I am up to chapter 7 in Leviticus and still pressing on. I am also doing a Bible study with my sister-in-law and others using God is teaching me so mean things and we are only starting week 3! I want to learn more about my Lord and grow closer to Him this year. New me on the outside and new me on the inside!! I want my girls to learn to love the Lord by watching me love the Lord. Please pray as I try to conquer these things!


  1. I've always gotten hung up on Leviticus, too. what helped me finally get though it was a better understanding of it. I use to get commentary that helps me get it. If you pull up your passage, there are 6 buttons next to it, where you can pull up the hebrew/greek, pull up commentaries, etc. I generally like the commentary from David Guzik. Every now and again he leaves me scratching my head, but that's why God gave all of us discernment. -Tish

  2. So if you have just 40 to go does that mean you lost 100? That is real impressive! Of all the diets I have ever tried the only one that worked for me was....
    Prayer!! Keep up the good work. I need to read my Bible more with Seth.

    1. I started at 205 after having Priscilla so when I get to 140 it will be a total loss of 65 pounds!!
      Tish- thank you!! Our associate pastor helped me by telling me to remember God is a God of order and to keep that In mind as I read and not to stress over not understanding why the priests had to do what they dis!

    2. I started at 205 after having Priscilla so when I get to 140 it will be a total loss of 65 pounds!!
      Tish- thank you!! Our associate pastor helped me by telling me to remember God is a God of order and to keep that In mind as I read and not to stress over not understanding why the priests had to do what they dis!

  3. Corey I missed you blogging! Congrats on your weight loss! I want to get back to 140 also! That is my goal for summer. We'll see how it goes! I am glad you have a schedule that is working for your school year! That is wonderful the way you are doing it. I am going to look up the web site you gave. Sounds very interesting!

  4. I have missed doing it, but there are times that things need done before blogging:-)
