Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School!

2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Today we started our first day of school! I am blessed to have a functioning school room from day one. Our room is a finished room in the basement. God knew exactly what we needed when we got this house. I know a classroom is not necessary for home schooling but it is nice to have a set place! It was fun to hear the excitement of the girls as they dressed, brushed teeth and did their hair before school. I love that they were so excited! We will see in a month if they continue this excitement!

 Our morning started with the Pledge to our Nations Flag, and singing "My Country Tis of Thee." I remember doing this in school every morning and I want to teach my girls too. Hannah and Elizabeth learned about organizing today, and put those skills to the test. Julia and Emily did Bible and then Julia finished the day with her counting book. Rachel did Bible and Math for her first day. We were in school for about an hour and a half today. I plan on adding new subjects every couple of days. I like the idea of building up to the next subject.

I know it will take a few weeks to tweak our day to how I want it to be. I have 3 who are 3, 2, and 1 so I am open to ideas from those who have had this in their schooling. (Mrs. Chilson HINT) I know they will get used to the routine too. I plan on finding age appropriate things to try to keep their attention to, and they will ONLY get those items when we are down stairs for school. It will be their special school box. Please pray for me as we continue our school year. Pray that the girls will continue their excitement for learning. I know this is going to be a great year! It is hard to believe that Hannah is in 5th, Elizabeth is in 4th, Rachel in 2nd, Julia K5, and Emily K3! My girls are growing so fast and I constantly pray that I am instilling God's Values for life and book learning.

1 comment:

  1. Corey, You are right on track! I kept things for the younger to play with during school also. But soon the novelty of it wore off and I had to be flexable. You are blessed with a seperate room for schooling. I use my dining room table for schooling, so "home" was always right there. Some days I wish I had a seperate place! But we make do with what we have been blessed with. I'll be praying for you! You are very blessed with a wonderful hubby that is supportive! Keep up the blessed work! Remember, you'r molding a masterpiece-six of them!
