Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just some Thoughts

This week we lost a very close friend of the family, Brenda Schwab. While reflecting on things that different people have said about her, it has made me stop and think about my life and what people might say about me. Would I be called a Prayer Warrior, good friend, sweet lady, encourager, spiritual, close to God? All of these things apply to Brenda. I know there were many times that I would call to encourage her and she would encourage me! Yes, the one who was very sick would say thank you but then ask me how things were going with me and my girls! After that she always let me know she loved me and prayed for me each and every day. She knew the music schedule and prayed for each person on the day and service that they sang. She prayed over the prayer list daily, and especially prayed for our Pastor and Mrs. Tidd daily and during church services too.

Then I got to thinking of Brenda seeing Jesus for the first time and hearing the words Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant! The song Thank You for Giving to the Lord comes to mind and I know that there are people in Heaven due to her faithfulness in praying. I have seen posts from missionaries reflecting on how they knew Brenda was praying for them! I never heard her complain or question God about her situation. I am sure there were times that she prayed to be well so she could serve like she once did.

Brenda wasn't a missionary, or a pastor's wife BUT she allowed God to use her where she was. As a member of Lighthouse she did all she could to be a help to the staff and members. In my eyes she is a hero of the faith. She did everything she could as a Christian wife, mother, sister, aunt, friend! Brenda had many titles and I am blessed to have called her friend. With the example that she gave us I strive to be more like her. I want to leave this earth and be known as a Prayer Warrior! I thank God that He allowed me to know and serve with Brenda! I pray for comfort for my dear friends family as they walk this road together. I know God will give them the peace of Romans 8:28 and the strength they need to get through the next few days.

We Love You Brenda and will MISS you greatly!

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